
Showing posts from January, 2017

How to save value for a field to node or user - Drupal 7 :: entity module

Introduction The contributed  Entity API  module provides wrapper classes that make dealing with the values of an entity's properties and fields easier. If you need to save a text or numeric value into a field you must pass the value as below, <?php $node = node_load($nid);//Node ID $node_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node); $var = $node_wrapper->field_age->value() + 1; $node_wrapper->field_age->set($var); $node_wrapper->save(); ?> Note: to update the user value you can use user_load($uid); If you need to save a file into a field you must pass the file object or an array with a ``fid`` key: <?php   $node = node_load($nid); //Node ID   $containing_node = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);   // Load the file object in any way   $file_obj = file_load($fid);   $containing_node->field_attachment_content->file->set( $file_obj );   // ..or pass an array with the fid   $co...